This Constitution is supreme for the purposes of regulating the activities of the Association, subject only to the mandatory stipulations of enactments of the Legislature of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

  1. NAME

The name of the Association shall be SAGOS OLD STUDENTS’ ASSOCIATION and its slogan shall be "THE TRANSFORMERS".


The National Secretariat of the Association shall be situated in Ibadan, in Oyo State of Nigeria, other branches shall be Lagos, USA and Dubai, provided also that the Association may maintain more Branches or Liaison offices in other towns in the Federal Republic of Nigeria and in countries outside Nigeria as the National Executive Council may decide from time to time.


The general aims and objectives of the Association shall be to rekindle, promote and sustain the founding vision, ideals, welfare and infrastructure of SAGOS GROUP OF SCHOOLS, herein after called (‘the School’) and more particularly:
4.1 To provide a national platform to enable all alumni of SAGOS GROUP OF SCHOOLS contribute positively towards the progress of the School.
4.2 To promote national unity and integration among the diverse peoples, cultures and religions of Nigeria in line with the founding ideology of the School, being one of the best in Ibadan.
4.3 To promote academic excellence and scholarship in the School.
4.4 To encourage the development of good leadership skills among students and alumni of the School.
4.5 To cooperate with the Authority of the School and checkmate their excesses within the limits allowed by law and in line with the school policies and objectives in the management, control, and administration of the School.
4.6 To advocate and influence policies and enactments in manners favorable to the School at all levels of government in the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
4.7 To identify indigent students of the School and evolve an Assistance Educational Financial Scheme for indigent students of the School whenever it is deemed convenient to provide such assistance.
4.8 To promote good relations among members of the Alumni Association and between the Alumni Associations of other schools in the state.
4.9 To ensure the protection and enhancement of the welfare of members of the Alumni Association all over Nigeria and beyond.
4.10 To undertake anything or project that is reasonably incidental or consequential to the furtherance of these aims and objectives.


There shall be two categories of membership of SAGOS OLD STUDENTS’ ASSOCIATION;
Full Membership, and Honorary Membership.

• Membership of the Organization is automatically open to all Old Boys and Girls of the School (either from the primary or secondary section), and this category of members shall be full members of the Association. The full members shall be obligated to pay all subscriptions, dues and levies imposed by the Association at a General meeting and shall have rights of audience at all the General meetings of the Association and be entitled to hold any office in the Association by virtue of his/her qualification as a full member of the Association and shall be entitled to vote and be voted for at any election of the Association PROVIDED he/she satisfies the other requirements set out in Article 12 of this Constitution.

• Honorary Membership of the Association may be accorded to any former headmaster, principal, teacher or staffer of the School within or outside Nigeria who is admitted as such by the Association at a General Meeting on the recommendation of the National Executive Council of the Association and provided that:
• An honorary member may attend and, if permitted by the presiding officer, speak at any meeting or gathering of the Association.
• An Honorary member shall not be required to pay any subscription, dues or levies, and shall not be entitled to be an officer of the Association.


6.1• The Supreme Authority of the Association shall be exercised by the members in Plenary Session.
6.2• The Plenary Sessions shall hold on such frequency as may be determined by the National Executive Council of the Association but at least twice annually.
6.3• An Emergency Plenary Session may be summoned at such time and place as may be decided by the National Executive Council for the express purpose of deliberating on specific issues which cannot wait for the next Plenary Session.
6.4• Election of National Officers of the Association shall be held at the General Meeting of the Association once in two years (2) for a two year term; at a Plenary Session with right of re-election to the same or another office provided the aspirant seeking re-election has satisfied the provisions of Article 12.2 of this Constitution. Officers cannot serve more than two terms on one post but can always seek election into another office after the expiration of his/her two terms tenure on the previous post.
6.5• On the receipt at the National Secretariat of the Association of a requisition signed by not less than 25 full members of the Association calling for an Emergency Plenary Session which shall state in clear details the matter that needs to be deliberated upon, the President shall direct the Secretary-General in writing to summon an Emergency Plenary Session to hold within four weeks of the date of the receipt of the requisition at such place and time as may be decided by the National Executive Council to deliberate upon the matter stated in the requisition.
6.6• The National Executive Council shall not be obliged to act on any requisition received less than eight weeks before the date of a Plenary Session but may instead include such matters stated in the requisition as part of the business to be deliberated upon at the Plenary Session.
6.7• Decisions at any Plenary Session/Emergency Plenary Session shall be by a simple majority on a show of hands of members present and voting except on the election of National Officers, or any other issue decided by the Plenary Session or National Executive Council to be by secret ballot.
6.8. THE STANDING ORDERS contained in the Schedule to this Constitution shall govern the conduct of any deliberations at any Plenary Session/Emergency Plenary Session.
6.8.1• The quorum at any Plenary Session shall be 20 full members and the quorum at Emergency Plenary Session shall be 10 full members.
6.8.2• Attendance at a Plenary Session or Emergency Plenary Session shall be open to all members of the Association save those under proper sanctions by the Association.

7.0. BOARD OF TRUSTEES – Should we have this for future

• There shall be Trustees for the Association and connected members shall be elected by the members present at a Plenary Session.
• The Board of Trustees of the Association shall always reflect national spread as far as practicable and be representative of the Association’s diverse membership.
The required number of votes for the election of each Trustee of the Association shall be two-thirds majority of members present and voting at the Plenary Session.
Trustees, hereinafter referred to as ‘The Trustees’ shall be known as THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF SAGOS OLD STUDENTS’ ASSOCIATION and they shall be five (5) in numbers.
The trustees shall hold office for three (3) years subject to a maximum of 2 (two) tenures that a trustee shall cease to hold office if he or she:
Resigns his/her office;
• Becomes insane;
• Is declared officially bankrupt;
• Is convicted of a crime or other offence involving fraud or dishonesty by a Court of competent jurisdiction;
• Is recommended for removal from office by two-thirds majority vote of the members present and voting at a plenary session/general meeting.
• Is recommended for removal from office by decision of at least two-thirds of the other members of the Board of Trustees.
Upon a vacancy occurring in the member of Trustees a Plenary Session will elect any eligible member of the Association to fill the vacancy.
In addition to the power conferred by this Constitution, the Board of Trustees shall have the powers to:
• Ensure compliance with all legal requirements for proper documentation of the affairs of the Association as provided by the act;
• Acquire and hold in trust all properties belonging to the Association and procure on her behalf real property and chattels subject to the provisions of the Act;
• Disburse funds available for the purpose of investments, charitable and philanthropic purposes;
• Consider and approve recommendations made to it by the National Executive Council; and
• The Trustee shall act in good faith and at all times in the interest of the Association.
• The Board of Trustees shall elect one of the members to be the Chairman and another to be Secretary.
• The Trustees shall meet at least once every year.
• Decisions of the Trustees shall be by simple majority of members present except as may be hereinafter provided.
• The quorum of the Trustees shall be not less than 3 of the members, since there are 5 members.
• The Trustees shall make such rules as they deem necessary for proper conduct of their meetings.



8.1 The National Executive Council shall comprise the following only;
• National Officers of the Association.
• The immediate past President and Secretary-General of the Association.
• Presidents and Secretaries of branches of the Alumni Association.
• Set representatives
• The National Executive Council shall meet at least thrice a year at such times and places as may be decided by her.
• The President, through the Secretary-General may summon a meeting of the National Executive Council as occasion may demand.
• The quorum for the meetings of the National Executive Council shall be at least ½ of the National Officers and any number of others entitled to attend who are present at the meeting.
• On the requisition of at least ½ of the members of the National Executive Council, which said requisition shall clearly state the matters sought to be considered, a meeting of the National Executive Council shall hold within four (4) weeks of receipt of the requisition by the Secretary or the President.


The National Executive Council (EXCO) shall implement the general policy direction of the Association and shall have responsibility for the day to day running of the affairs of the Association in accordance with provisions of this Constitution and shall exercise and execute the following powers and functions:
• Management of the finances of the Association including the appointment of suitable banks for that purpose.
• To express the views of the Association upon any matter of public interest or upon any matter of general interest to the Association.
• To make all necessary arrangements for Plenary Sessions or any other general meeting of the Association.
• To cause the accounts of the Association to be audited annually by competent auditing/accounting professionals who are full members of the Association and who shall be appointed by the Plenary Sessions or Emergency Plenary Session of the Association.
• May appoint one of their members or a suitable member of the Association to fill and/or perform the duties pertaining to a vacant office, which said vacancy may occur due to mental or physical infirmity or any other cause.
• Generally to exercise all the powers vested in the Association/General meeting of the Association so as to promote and carry out the aims and objectives of the Association as contained in this Constitution, and in particular when the need arises to apply for and receive donations on behalf of the Association.
• Consensus shall be the aim of the National Executive Council but if it becomes necessary to put any question to vote then it shall be decided by a simple majority based on a show of hands PROVIDED however that the National Executive Council may resolve to decide any specific issue by secret ballot.
• Any member who is absent from two (2) consecutive meetings of the National Executive Council shall cease to be a member of the National Executive Council unless he/she shows reasonable cause for such absence to the satisfaction of the National Executive Council, provided however that if the defaulting member is a National Officer he/she shall be deemed to have vacated his/her office.


The National Officers of the Association shall be elected at a General meeting/Plenary Session as provided in Article 6.4 of this Constitution.
The National Officers of the Organization shall be:
I. The President
II. The Vice-President
III. The Secretary-General
IV. The Treasurer
V. The Financial/Treasurer Secretary
VI. The Public Relation Officer
VII. The Welfare Secretary
VIII. The Legal Adviser
A full member of the Association shall be qualified to hold a National Office if:
He/She is sponsored/Nominated for the Particular National Office by three (3) full members of the Association and provided that the said alumni have met all financial obligations due to the Association.
11.1 Provided:
I. Aspirants to the offices of Financial Secretary, and Treasurer shall be practicing accountants or persons of cognate qualifications.
II. Aspirants to the office of Legal Adviser shall be legal practitioners of not less than two (2) years post call experience.
III. National spread and gender representation shall, as much as practicable, be taken into consideration in filling the National Offices.
11.2 A National Officer of the Association shall not qualify for re-election to the same office after serving two consecutive terms of two years each provided that he/she may qualify for re-election after at least one intervening period of two years.
11.3 A National Officer shall cease to hold office if the members in plenary pass a vote of no confidence on him/her by two-thirds majority of members present and voting.


The Duties of the PRESIDENT shall include:
• Presiding at Plenary Sessions, Emergency Plenary Sessions, meetings of the National Executive Council and other general meetings of the Association.
• Directing the summoning of Plenary Sessions, Emergency Plenary Sessions, meetings of the National Executive Council and other general meetings of the Association either on his/her own initiative or in accordance with the decision of the National Executive Council or upon an appropriate requisition under any Article of this Constitution.
• Directing all other Officers of the Association in the performance of their duties.
• Providing direction and leadership to all Committees of the Association.
• Presenting at the Plenary Sessions a presidential address in writing to highlight the accomplishments, problems, prospects and future direction of the Association.
• Acting as the principal spokesperson of the Association.
• Ensuring with the assistance of other National Officers efficient use or prudent investment, acquisitions and disposal of assets as may be necessary from time to time subject however to the overall approval of the members in Plenary Session.
• His/Her decisions on unresolved issues shall be final

• Shall in the absence of the President preside at all meetings in which the President is empowered to preside by the provisions of this Constitution.
• Shall perform all other duties as he/she may be directed by the President.
• In the absence of the President and the Vice-President, the most senior National Officer present shall preside at any meeting of the Association at which the President is entitled to preside.
• Shall be the chairman/chairperson of the disciplinary committee.

The Secretary-General shall, under the overall direction of the President, be in charge of the National Secretariat of the Association and his/her duties shall include the following.
• He/She shall on the instructions of the President or in accordance with a previous decision of the National Executive Council or pursuant to a requisition made in accordance with the provisions of this Constitution summon Plenary Sessions, Emergency Plenary Sessions, meetings of the National Executive Council and other general meetings of the Association.
• He/She shall record and keep the minutes of meetings including attendance and a summary of all decisions taken there at.
• He/She shall write and dispatch circulars, letters, and other correspondences of the Association including that of the National Executive Council.
• He/She shall keep a roll of members.
• He/She shall furnish an Annual Return or Special Reports of the activities of the Association or any of its organs at the Plenary Sessions, Emergency Plenary Sessions, and meetings of the National Executive Council and other general meetings of the Association.
• He/She shall be an ex-officio member of all committees of the Association.
• He/She shall perform all other duties as may be assigned to him/her by the President, the National Executive Council or the Association.

The treasurer shall be a female and her duties shall be as follows:
• She shall receive, collect and pay to the Association’s bankers all monies collected for the Association or paid to the Association from any source whatsoever.
• She shall carry out any decision or directive of the Plenary Session in matters relating to the budget or finances of the Association.
• She shall prepare or cause to be prepared and submit to the First Meeting of the National Executive Council an annual budget containing the estimated revenue and expenditure of the Association for the period 1st December of every year to 30th November of the following year.
• She shall invest the monies of the Association in such securities and manners as may be approved by the National Executive Council.
• She shall circulate to every member of the National Executive Council the audited accounts and balance sheet for the preceding year.
• She shall submit an Annual Report to the Plenary Session to which shall be attached the Audited Accounts and Balance Sheet for the preceding year.
• She shall perform all other duties as may be assigned to her by the President or the National Executive Council or the Association.

  • He/She shall be in constant touch with the branches/members for the purpose of soliciting, chasing and collecting their annual dues, subscription and levies, as and at when due.
    • He/She shall compile and circulate a list of members who have paid or are in default in respect of such dues in each year and take steps to circulate such lists to the Plenary Sessions and the National Executive Council.
    • He/She shall collect and pay all monies of the Association to the Treasurer promptly and keep records of such receipts and payments.
    • He/She shall perform all other duties as may be assigned to him/her by the President or the National Executive Council or the Plenary Session.

The duties of the Welfare Secretary shall be as follows:
• He/She shall monitor the welfare and interest of members of the Association.
• He/She shall bring to the notice of the National Officers and the National Executive Council any matter concerning the welfare of any member with a view to protecting and preserving their rights, privileges and welfare.
• He/She shall be responsible for managing the program of assistance for incapacitated or aged members of the Association.
• He/She shall be responsible for supervising the insurance and endowment programs of the Association.
• He/She shall perform all other duties as may be assigned to him/her by the President or the National Executive Council or the Plenary Session.

The duties of the Public relation officer shall be as follows:
• He/She shall ensure adequate and prompt publicity of the activities of the Association.
• He/She shall present a good and progressive image of the Association to the Public.
• He/She shall issue releases and statements on matters of general interest to the Association and the public after consultation with the President or the National Executive Council.
• He/She shall perform all other duties as may be assigned to him/her by the President or the National Executive Council or the Plenary Sessions.

The duties of the Legal Adviser shall be as follows:
• He/She shall advise the Association, its Officers, Committees, organs or agents and shall represent or protect the interests of the Association in Courts, Tribunals, Judicial Inquiries or Proceedings, provided that the National Executive Council may engage any other Counsel of their choice as the need arises from time to time.
• He/She shall perform all other duties as may be assigned to him/her by the President or the National Executive Council or the Plenary Sessions.


13.1 The Organizations shall have such committees as may be created by the National Executive Council or Plenary Session from time to time which may include but not limited to the following Standing Committees:
i. Finance Committee
ii. Editorial Board Committee
iii. Welfare Committee
iv. Disciplinary Committee
v. Membership Mobilization and Liaison Committee.
vi. Constitution review committee.


  • The National Executive Council may constitute ad-hoc Committees to deal with such issues and matters as circumstances may dictate; and the Committees so constituted shall have such powers and exercise such functions as the National Executive Council may determine.
    • Membership of each Committee shall be determined by the National Executive Council from time to time.
    The Organization, through the National Executive Council and/or Disciplinary Committee shall have the power to investigate reports of misconduct or fraud against their members and if need be may apply necessary sanctions against erring members.

16.1 The funds of the Association may be derived from the following sources namely:
i. Annual dues payable by members;
ii. Levies as may be approved by the National Executive Council
iii. Grants and Aids
iv. Donations:
v. Endowment funds as may be approved by the National Executive Council; and
vi. Investments of the Association.


17.1 Other subscriptions payable by members shall include fees and levies as may be approved by the Plenary Session or the National Executive Council.

  • All monies belonging to the Association shall be kept in its name with such reputable bankers as the National Executive Council shall appoint from time to time.
    • There shall be three principal signatories to the Association’s accounts namely, the President, the Secretary-General and the Treasurer, any two of whom may sign.
    • No expenditure shall be incurred for any purpose unless such expenditure has been approved generally by the National Executive Council in the annual budget or any supplementary budget of the Association provided that in cases of emergency, the Treasurer in consultation with the President and the Secretary-General may authorize such expenditure in their discretion and afterwards seek approval from the National Executive Council, provided further, always that the exercise of such discretion shall be limited to the recurrent expenditure of the month immediately preceding.
    • The Secretary-General may hold as impress such amount as may be approved by the National Executive Council from time to time.
    • The National Executive Council may invest the funds of the Association in government securities or such other securities.
  • The Board of Trustees shall have a common seal.
    • The seal shall be kept under the custody of the Secretary-General who shall produce it whenever required in furtherance of the Association’s activities.
    • All documents required to be executed by the Trustees shall be signed by at least two Trustees and sealed with the common seal.

A member of the Association, whether a trustee, an executive or any other person employed by the Association shall be indemnified out of the funds of SAGOS OLD STUDENTS’ ASSOCIATION against any liability incurred by him/her in good faith in the performance of his/her official/assigned duties.


This Constitution shall not be amended except at a Plenary Session of the Association by a two-thirds majority of those present and entitled to vote, provided that two-thirds of the Full members of the Association are represented AND provided further that at least 60 days notice of the proposed amendment shall have been given to the Secretary-General who shall have circulated same to the members at least 30 days before the proposed amendment is tabled for discussion at the Plenary Session AND for the avoidance of doubt, two-third majority of members present and voting shall be approximated to the nearest whole number.

  • The income and property of SAGOS OLD STUDENTS’ ASSOCIATION, whenever derived shall be applied solely towards the promotion of the Association as set forth in this Rules and Regulations/Constitution and no portion thereof shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly by way of dividend, bonus, or otherwise by way of profit, to the members of the Association.
    • PROVIDED that nothing herein shall prevent the payment, in good faith, of reasonable and proper remuneration to an officer, servant or consultant of the Association in return for any service actually rendered to The SAGOS OLD STUDENTS’ ASSOCIATION, but so that no member of the Board of Trustees or Executive Council shall be appointed to any salaried office of The SAGOS OLD STUDENTS’ ASSOCIATION, or any office paid for by fees, and that no remuneration or other benefits in money or monies shall be given by the Association to any member of Board of Trustees or Executive Council except repayment of out-of-pocket expenses or reasonable and proper rent for premises demised or let to the Association provided that the provision last aforesaid shall not apply to any payment by any company to a member of the Association in which such member shall not hold more than one-hundredth part of the share capital and such member shall not be bound to account for any share of profits he may receive in respect of any such payment.

In the event of any dispute over the interpretation of any provision of this Constitution, the dispute shall be referred to a panel appointed by the Board of Trustees to be headed by the Legal Adviser AND appeals against the decision of the panel shall lie to the Board and its decision shall be final and binding. The Bye laws and Standing Orders comprised in Schedules 1 and 2 hereof shall form a part of this Constitution but the Constitution shall control where there is conflict in the interpretation of the Bye laws and Standing orders on the one hand and the Constitution on the other hand.

• The Organization shall have power to publish journals.

• The members of the Editorial Board shall be active members of the Association.
• The National Executive Council shall appoint 3 but not more than 5 suitable members of good standing to be Board members of the Association’s Journal.
• The National Executive Council may remove any member of the Editorial Board for good cause.
• The Board shall endeavor to publish at least one issue of the Journal per annum.
• The National Executive Council shall operate a separate Bank Account for the Journal.
• The signatories to such account shall include the President, Treasurer and the Chairman of the Editorial Board.
• Members of the National Executive Council, or Standing or other Ad-hoc Committees shall keep the Full Members informed of all the activities of the National Executive Council and other Committees.
• Any member of such committee who is unwilling to carry out the directives or decisions of the Association or National Executive Council shall be suspended from such committee by a simple majority of the members of the National Executive Council

• Notices of motions or resolutions other than those proposed for amendment of the Constitution shall reach the Secretary-General on or before the end of September every year.
• Notices or circulars of Plenary Session together with agenda resolution and a list of candidates shall be dispatched to Members at least 30 days before the date of the Plenary.
These Bye-Laws shall be amended by or at any Plenary Session or Emergency Plenary Session subject to a notice of proposed amendment being received by the Secretary-General at least 60 days before the meeting by a simple majority of members present and voting.
For the purpose of effective conduct of proceedings at Plenary Session, or other meetings and matters relating thereto these shall be read together with the Constitution of the Organization.
• These Standing Orders are ratified by the Plenary Session of the Old Students of the School in exercise of its power under Article 6 of this Constitution.
• A Plenary Session or Emergency Plenary Session shall transact such business as is on its agenda or any business decided by a previous Plenary or the National Executive Council.
• An agenda of the business of a meeting shall be supplied in advance to members of the Association provided that the agenda shall be adhered to till the completion of business unless a proposition to suspend this standing order is made and carried by a simply majority of the members present.
• The President shall preside at the meetings and in his absence the Vice President shall preside and in the absence of the Vice President, any other National Officer present may chair the meeting.
• Any member who wishes to speak shall hold up his/her hand to attract the Chairman’s attention.
• No member shall commence to speak on any topic until recognized to do so by the Chairman.
• No member shall stand up to speak simultaneously during discussion at a meeting.
• The order of speaking shall be determined by the Chairman in his/her absolute discretion without fear or favor but he/she shall give a reasonable opportunity for divergent views to be heard.
• The Chairman in his/her discretion may stop a debate even when there are members still anxious to speak on the subject if he/she considers that there has been sufficient discussion on the matter under consideration.
• A member who has any relevant and pertinent information to give during the course of a speech by another may raise a “point of information” which he may only proceed to give if permitted to do so by the Chairman.
• A member may raise a plea of “point of order” which when raised shall only be sustained by the Chairman where he/she accepts that there is deviation by a speaker from the subject matter/or according to these standing orders.
• A member who claims that he/she has been misquoted or misrepresented may raise the pleas on “point of correction” and if allowed by the Chairman may proceed to correct same.
• In the event of proposition to proceed to the next business or for progress being moved and seconded it shall after the proposer and seconder of the resolution have been heard be put to the vote. If carried, the matter under debate shall immediately be put to the vote and once carried, the subject voted upon shall not again be introduced during the meeting.
• No motion or amendment shall be discussed unless it is seconded, save the proposals of the Executive Council or the report of a Committee of the Association which shall be taken as having been moved and seconded.
• No second amendment or rider shall be voted upon until the first amendment is disposed of.
• On any issue every member present shall have one vote at a time but the Chairman shall have a second or casting vote in the event of equality of votes. Provided that if at any election there is equality of votes, the Presiding Electoral Officer shall have a casting vote.
• The Chairman shall have power to ask any one found engaging in distractive or destructive acts to leave the meeting or gathering.
• The Plenary shall have the power to appoint Committee or Commissions for the furtherance of its business. Such Committees or Commissions may sit during the hours of the Plenary should it be necessary for them to do so.
• The Chairman shall give directions or adopt measures reasonably necessary in the interest of the Association or reasonably conducive to the conduct of proceedings of any meeting. The procedure at a meeting of any Committee shall be determined by that Committee.
• The ruling of the President or Chairman on matters provided for in these STANDING ORDERS shall be obeyed.

• Offices shall be vacant by efflux ion of time, death, resignation, removal, or for any other reasonable cause.
• Any vacancy occurring in any office after a Plenary Session may be filled by the National Executive Council.
• A candidate for any elective national office shall be nominated or proposed in writing by a member and seconded by another both of whom shall be qualified like the candidate in accordance with the provisions of Article 12 of the Constitution for the equivalent office and in good standing with the generality of the Full Members.
• The nomination papers shall be dispatched so as to reach the Secretary-General on or before end of September in an election year and where there is no nomination for any office the Plenary or the National Executive Council may fill the vacancy.
• On the 1st day of each election month, the Secretary-General shall compile a list of all nominations received and shall circulate copies to the generality of the members as practicable as he can and forward a copy to all candidates who have been nominated as well as every member of the National Executive Council.
• A full list of properly nominated candidates shall be exhibited or posted at a conspicuous place or notice board in or around the Election venue on or before the day of the election and also supplied to the Electoral officers.
• Electoral Officers, a minimum of three and a maximum of five, one of whom shall preside, shall be appointed by the members of the Association at a plenary session.
• The Electoral Officers shall control, conduct and manage the elections for which they were appointed. During the elections the Presiding Electoral Officer shall have the powers of the Chairman under these Standing Orders.
• The Electoral Officers shall decide on the voting procedure to be adopted for the election and on the color of ballot paper to be used for the office to be contested, if ballot papers of different colors are supplied. To the extent of their functions the decisions of the Electoral Officers shall be final.
• Voting in elections at Plenary Sessions shall be by secret ballot provided that the Plenary shall have the right to order otherwise.
• The validity of proceedings of a Plenary Session or any other Meeting shall not be affected by vacancy in any office or any defect in the appointment or election of officers or irregularity in the proceedings.
• For the avoidance of doubt, the provisions of the Constitution shall control and take precedence and prevail over those of the BYE-LAWS and STANDING ORDERS where a conflict occurs.

Proposals for amendment of the STANDING ORDERS shall, if initiated by the National Executive Council or a member be sent to the Secretary-General to reach him/her not less than 60 days before Plenary Session and the Secretary-General in turn shall send copies of such proposals to the members as far as it is practicable not less than 30 days before the Plenary Session.
8. The Plenary Session may by a majority of votes rescind, amend or suspend the provisions of these


  2. Any officer of the Association may relinquish his/her office voluntarily and such should be made in writing to the Exco;
    b. An officer may be removed from office whenever there is an established act(s) of wrong doing against him/her;
    c. Act of wrong doing shall include:
    i. Misappropriation of funds.
    ii. Disrespect to constituted authority.
    iii. Dereliction of official duty.
    iv. Use of un-parliamentary language during meetings.
    v. Putting the name of the Association into disrepute through publications or utterances.
    vi. Acts of sabotage of the activities of GOSA, such as deliberate dissemination of wrong information.
    vii. Other acts of misconduct as may be determined by the Executive Committee.
    viii. Non compliance with directives of National, Branch, Sub-Branch and Set Exco.
  3. In the event of a vote of no confidence on the Exco or any officer of the Exco by 2/3 of members at a Convention/General Assembly, the Exco/said officer(s) shall be deemed removed.
  4. If the Exco resigns or is removed, a 3-man Provisional Committee shall be elected by the Convention/General Assembly to perform the duties of the Exco for a period of not more than three (3) months and conduct fresh elections within the same period.
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