
There shall be two categories of membership of SAGOS OLD STUDENTS’ ASSOCIATION: Full Membership, and Honorary Membership.

• Membership of the Organization is automatically open to all Old Boys and Girls of the School (either from the primary or secondary section), and this category of members shall be full members of the Association. The full members shall be obligated to pay all subscriptions, dues and levies imposed by the Association at a General meeting and shall have rights of audience at all the General meetings of the Association and be entitled to hold any office in the Association by virtue of his/her qualification as a full member of the Association and shall be entitled to vote and be voted for at any election of the Association PROVIDED he/she satisfies the other requirements set out in Article 12 of this Constitution.


• Honorary Membership of the Association may be accorded to any former headmaster, principal, teacher or staffer of the School within or outside Nigeria who is admitted as such by the Association at a General Meeting on the recommendation of the National Executive Council of the Association and provided that:

• An honorary member may attend and, if permitted by the presiding officer, speak at any meeting or gathering of the Association.
• An Honorary member shall not be required to pay any subscription, dues or levies, and shall not be entitled to be an officer of the Association.

© 2020 Saint Gabriel Secondary School Old Students’ Association (SAGOS)

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